A powerful earthquake struck the country; churches and homes were severely damaged.
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A Breathing Space and a Support Place
Trans-European Division women in ministry retreat foster dialogue, fellowship, and prayer.
Books on the Beaches Lead to Baptisms
In Montenegro, young literature evangelists are bringing people to church.
War, Peace, Brexit, and Control
Who is in charge?
Adventist Church president in Norway Raises Thousands for ADRA in Marathon
Victor Marley raised more than US$6,000 to support children’s education.
Adventist School Is the Best in Norway
Tyrifjord videregaende skole students gain the highest grade average across the country.
Disabling Disease Not a Hindrance for Baptism
In Greece, man with a rare spinal-cord disease is carried to the sea for the ceremony.
Invasion of Love Helps to Reconcile Divided Community
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Adventist youth take part in bridge-building initiative.
Youth Alive Initiative Prompts Young Adventists to Make Healthy Choices
In Albania and Lithuania, pilot discipleship event empowers youth for increased engagement.
Melting Iceland, a New Approach to Mission
Generation Youth for Christ makes prayer the center of a unique outreach initiative.
Creating an Introvert-friendly Church
The common factor for all introverts is that we expend energy in contact with people and need quiet time alone to regain that energy.
Adventist Students Help Others to Rediscover the ‘Forgotten’ God
In Serbia, ‘UNZIP Your True Self’ initiative is making inroads in a public university.
Norwegian Adventists Engage With Public, Meet Politicians at Street Fair
Initiative is part of a broader plan to become more relevant to neighbors and society.
A Pillar of Fire and Manna From Heaven
Pathfinders review biblical symbols of trust and faithfulness at European camporee.
Half of Adventist Baptisms in Poland Come From One Campground
Almost three decades old, the Zatonie campground is instrumental in transforming lives, leaders say.