Church leaders and members are getting ready for major evangelistic initiative.

All over Papua New Guinea, local Seventh-day Adventist church leaders and members are preparing for Papua New Guinea (PNG) for Christ, a major evangelistic initiative schedule to take place in late April and May 2024.
Leaders are already training members to nurture and support new disciples of Jesus through the Discovery Bible Reading method. Building and planting is happening — outdoor stages for preaching, accommodation, and planting gardens to have food for the guests. Health clinics and some churches are training volunteer 10,000 Toes ambassadors to do basic health tests and share basic health principles. Country-wide Adventist station Hope Radio is continually building anticipation for the program.
Prayer is happening all over the country. When Adventists meet, they know that prayer is the key to the 2,000 public evangelistic programs that will share the last-day gospel message. PNG for Christ will happen between April 26 and May 11. The excitement about this event is giving energy in focusing churches on making disciples who will make disciples.
There is also great excitement in many parts of the South Pacific Division as more than 180 preachers from around our vast region are preparing to participate. There are seasoned public evangelists, retired missionaries, pastors, lay men and women, chaplains, nurses, church pastors, students and conference/mission presidents all preparing to be a part of PNG for Christ. They are preparing their presentations, getting gifts ready, applying for visas, developing their team, and praying for God to ignite PNG. No one involved with PNG for Christ will be the same afterwards. I expect to see an ongoing impact right around the division.
On one of my recent trips to PNG I heard a story and saw pictures that showed evidence the enemy is not happy. The local village had just completed building their outdoor stage beside a major road when an out-of-control vehicle ploughed right through it. The large four-wheel-drive vehicle came back and drove through another section of the stage and then left — the driver and vehicle hardly damaged. The people were very discouraged and reported the incident to the local president. He came to inspect the stage, encouraging the local people to rebuild as Jesus will have ultimate victory.
Jesus is Lord of all, but the conflict still rages. Prayer is our major weapon in this spiritual battle. Will you join me in praying for all those involved?
The original version of this commentary was posted by Adventist Record.