Thousands get online to receive encouragement amid ongoing pandemic.

Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist literature evangelists, publishing leaders, and church administrators from around the world participated in the first-ever Global Celebration of Literature Evangelists on July 26, 2020, via a virtual platform. Adventist Church president Ted Wilson shared a message on the theme, “It’s Our Time.”
Participants and spectators who needed translations participated via Zoom video conference, while those who speak English joined via Facebook or YouTube livestream.
The objective of the event, according to the organizers, was to praise God through worship in songs and testimonies of literature evangelists around the world and to strengthen the work of publishing ministries during the current pandemic. Church leaders also shared passages from the Bible and inspiration from Adventist Church co-founder Ellen G. White.
“Online gatherings like these are crucial during these times,” said Rey Cabañero, Publishing Ministries director of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, “because they allow us to continue the spirit of fellowship, provide acts of motivation, encourage vivid prayer circles, and open opportunities for more testimony sharing.”
“Despite the distance, this empowers our fellowship and faith to be more encouraged during these challenging times,” Cabañero added.
The current pandemic remains a significant challenge, particularly to literature evangelists, as they are not allowed to go out, and social distancing is implemented in almost all countries around the world. Through this online convention, however, Adventist Church leaders encouraged people to serve in various capacities in publishing ministries. Leaders invited literature evangelists to remain steadfast and faithful to the Lord for, they said, He will prevail in the end so that the current pandemic may be over soon.
“Our lay evangelists are adjusting to the new normal forced by this pandemic,” Cabañero said. “They are making use of social media and other digital platforms to advertise our books and magazines, as they make the most to stay safe and, at the same time, uphold government mandates on health.”
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.