He readily gave me peace, a peace that passes all understanding.

My husband of almost 19 years passed away on a Sunday, November 23, 2014—a day that will forever be etched in my mind.
Next to losing my mother when I was just 16, this was the worst news I have ever received. My husband died following a short one-week illness. We thought he was suffering from the flu, but when he started having convulsions, I knew the prognosis was not good.
I was not allowed to be with him in the emergency room as doctors kept him sedated while running various tests. It was tortuous. Finally the attending doctor said: “Your husband has meningitis.” I was told that his kidneys and other vital organs had already started failing, and that I should prepare myself and my children (then 16-year-old triplets) for the worst. Sadly, upon my arrival at the hospital the next day, I was informed that he had passed away.
So many thoughts went through my mind. Will we survive this ordeal? How will we get by? Will I be able to pay all the bills? Will I be able to afford to keep three children in school on what I earn?
But my God is such an amazing God! I clung to His many promises. And the one thing I asked from Him, He readily gave me: peace, a peace that passes all understanding.
My husband was a man who loved and trusted God, and I was comforted by the fact that he died in Him. We had made a promise to each other, that we would always love God supremely, and that thought kept me going. My source of strength comes from the Almighty. I placed my total trust in Him who gave me life, and He has seen us through.
My son and daughters are now 21 years old, and we have never stopped trusting and believing that God is our source of strength.