
“Then I saw another angel flying high in the air. The angel had the eternal Good News to preach to those who live on earth” (Revelation 14:6, ICB).
Zarita and Aiko* were bored. “Let’s walk over to the park,” Zarita suggested. When they arrived, the park was nearly empty, except for three boys gathering stones and carrying them to the top of a nearby slide.
“What are you guys doing?” Zarita called up to the boys. But instead of answering, each boy picked up a stone and aimed it at the girls! Zarita silently asked God for wisdom.
For some reason, instead of running away, Zarita asked, “What are your names?”
The boys seemed confused. “Aren’t you scared of us?” one of them asked.
“A little, but I asked God to be with us,” Zarita responded.
Now the bullies were really puzzled! They dropped their “ammunition” and climbed down from the slide. That’s when Zarita seemed to hear a voice whisper, “Tell them about God. They’ll listen.” Zarita looked around, and Aiko seemed to be doing the same thing. But nobody else was nearby.
The three boys came over toward the girls. They told Zarita and Aiko their names. Soon the girls were telling the boys about Jesus! And the boys listened! Finally one of the boys asked the girls to pray. When they’d finished, the boy started praying, asking Jesus for forgiveness.
Back home Zarita said, “Aiko, at the park I heard a whisper in my head that told me to tell those boys about Jesus.”
Aiko’s eyes grew wide. “So did I!” she exclaimed. And right then the girls thanked God for the opportunity He’d given them to share His good news.†
■ How would you explain the gospel in a sentence or two?
■ Does the idea of sharing the good news of Jesus’ love and salvation make you uncomfortable? If so, what do you think could be making you feel this way?
Ask God to show you what the gospel really means in your own life. Pray that you’ll be ready to share the gospel whenever the time is right.
* Not their real names
† Story adapted from Rachel Woitt, “A Whisper and a Prayer,” Guide, December 10, 2005.