Two recent baptisms in a local church’s ministry highlight the importance of reaching out.

The Public Campus Ministry mission of Sanmin Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Korea has again borne fruit this year, local church leaders reported. On November 16, local church members welcomed Wang Shiwei and Li Jie, two new young members, through baptism. This significant event resulted from God’s grace and the church’s persistent missionary efforts, local church leaders said.
This baptism was the culmination of months of dedication, as these young individuals embraced the gospel during evangelistic meetings held in August and September and continued to study the Bible diligently, leaders reported. “A small-group evangelistic meeting in September focused on youth and was particularly impactful. It provided a precious opportunity for young people to take an active role, experience spiritual challenges, and grow in faith,” they said.
The consistent efforts of missionaries Kim SoYeon and Ayumu played a pivotal role, leaders reported. “Every Sabbath, they led Sabbath School lessons and afternoon worship, building deep spiritual connections with the youth. Their unwavering dedication has become a cornerstone for young people to sustain and grow their faith,” leaders said. Reflecting on the local church journey, missionary Kim SoYeon said, “We plant the seeds, but God reaps the harvest.”

According to local church leaders, the fruit of these baptisms reaffirms the importance of youth ministry. Through the dedication and participation of the younger generation, the church is becoming more vibrant and future-oriented, they explained.
Kim GwangSung, Sanmin church senior pastor, reminded his church members that “missionary work brings the greatest blessing to the missionaries themselves and also extends grace to the youth in the mission fields.” He added, “I hope this ministry will continue to provide spiritual benefits to Adventist youth in Korea and opportunities for salvation to the youth in Taiwan.”
Meanwhile, Sanmin church is planning a Korean Language Camp in collaboration with the Saecheonan church of the Middlewest Korean Conference early next year. This project will provide local youth with a valuable opportunity to learn Korean culture and share their faith.

The PCM mission of Sanmin church does not end with events like baptisms but serves as a foundation for ongoing spiritual growth, local leaders explained. “Through these efforts, the active commitment of young people is leading the church toward a more dynamic and forward-looking future,” they said.
About Public Campus Ministry
The goal of the General Conference PCM is to see young people grounded in the mission of Jesus Christ and the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and able to reach and engage their fellow campus students in life-long relationships with Jesus, the PCM website states. PCM “not only concerns itself with nurturing students but also supporting Adventist professors and others who work at public campuses,” it explains.
According to the PCM website, the ministry works together in collaboration with the world church’s divisions, unions, conferences, and attached fields to help accomplish this. “We know that one of the best ways to keep youth and young adults from leaving their faith as college students is to train and permit them to lead,” PCM leaders said. “Young people are valuable participants in this ministry. We all look to the local church as the real home of public campus ministry.”
The original version of this story was posted on the Northern Asia-Pacific Division news site.