Put your trust in the One who will never leave your side

A long time ago a young boy named Tommy lived in a quaint little village in the mountains. Tommy was a kindhearted child with a vivid imagination, but he often felt scared and anxious, especially when he faced new challenges. His big round eyes would fill with worry, and his heart would race like a galloping horse.
One sunny morning, as Tommy was playing by the riverbank, he heard a gentle voice calling out to him. Turning around, he saw Mr. Elijah, a wise old man with a warm smile and friendly face, standing nearby. Mr. Elijah was well known in the village for his storytelling.
“Hello, young one,” said Mr. Elijah kindly. “I noticed you seem troubled. Is there something bothering you?”
Tommy hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. “Yes, sir. I’m scared. I’m scared of new things, of the dark, and even of trying new games with my friends. I wish I could be brave like the heroes in the stories you tell us.”
Mr. Elijah chuckled softly and patted Tommy’s shoulder. “Ah, my dear boy, being brave doesn’t mean being fearless. It means facing your fears and trusting that you’re not alone in your journey. Let me tell you a special story about another child, just like you, who found courage with the help of a special friend.”
Tommy’s eyes widened with excitement as he settled down to listen to Mr. Elijah’s tale.
“Once, in a land far away, there was a young girl named Lily. Like you, Tommy, she was afraid of many things. She felt uneasy when she heard strange noises at night or when she had to talk in front of a group of people. One day Lily was given a special gift, a small framed picture of Jesus with a group of children around Him.
“Lily cherished the gift, and when fear crept into her heart, she would look at the picture, then close her eyes and whisper, ‘Jesus, be with me.’
“And you know what, Tommy? Every time she did that, she felt a calming presence around her, like a warm embrace from someone who cared deeply for her. It wasn’t that the fears disappeared entirely, but she knew she was not alone in facing them.”
As Tommy listened intently, he felt a glimmer of hope. “But how can I feel Jesus with me, Mr. Elijah?”
Mr. Elijah smiled, “Well, my friend, it’s about faith and trust. Just like Lily, you can have a special connection with Jesus too. Whenever you feel scared or anxious, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine Jesus right beside you, holding your hand. Talk to Him the way you talk to your best friend. Share your worries and ask for strength and courage. You’ll feel a sense of peace and assurance that you’re never alone.”
Tommy thought about Mr. Elijah’s advice and decided to give it a try. That night, as he lay in bed, the darkness of his room seemed overwhelming. But instead of hiding under the covers, he closed his eyes and thought of Jesus with him. “Jesus, be with me,” he whispered.
A gentle calm settled over Tommy, and his fears began to subside. He felt as if he were wrapped in a cozy blanket of comfort and protection. From that day on, Tommy made it a habit to talk to Jesus whenever he felt scared.
Tommy’s friends noticed a change in him. He was no longer afraid to try new things, and even stood up for the right when it wasn’t easy. “How did you become so brave?” they asked. With a smile Tommy replied, “It’s because I have a Friend who’s always with me. Jesus is my special friend, and I know I’m never alone, no matter what.”
Tommy learned that having Jesus as a friend gave him the courage to face any challenge or fear that came his way. He discovered that being brave didn’t mean never feeling scared; it did mean trusting that Jesus was there to guide and protect him. From that day forward Tommy lived a life filled with joy, knowing that he had the greatest Friend anyone could ask for—Jesus, the one who was always with him. The same is true for you, too!
The Bible gives us an amazing promise in Deuteronomy 31:8: “And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Remember this verse the next time you, like Tommy, feel afraid. More than anything, Jesus wants to give us His peace. Put your trust in the One who will never leave your side.