Williams Costa Jr.

What do people usually look for as a present when they celebrate a 30-year anniversary? Some would like to have a memorable trip, a special dinner, or special clothes. Others are simply satisfied to have some food and hope for a better future.
The Mongolia Mission, part of the territory of the Northern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, decided to celebrate its 30th anniversary by preaching and baptizing. From August 20 to 27, 2022, simultaneous evangelistic meetings were held in 21 cities across the country of Mongolia. The outreach was a Total Member Involvement event, including the participation of many church members as well as pastors and church administrators.
Hundreds of people attended the meetings, were inspired by the health talks and Bible presentations, and decided to be baptized.
Mongolia has 3.4 million inhabitants, and 2 million live in Ulaanbaatar, the country’s capital. The Seventh-day Adventist Church currently has 3,000 members in Mongolia. Adventist missionaries first entered Mongolia in 1992, two years after the fall of communism. The country is located in what is known as the 10/40 window, and more than half its population is Buddhist.
Commenting on the recent outreach event, Pastor SukHee Han, Mongolia Mission president, said, “We are celebrating thirty years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s presence in Mongolia with an integrated effort to carry the message of salvation in Jesus.”
Pastor Yo Han Kim, the Northern Asia-Pacific Division president, also in Mongolia for the event, stated, “I trust God has great plans for Mongolia, and the pastors and administrators have excellent projects to expand and consolidate the mission of the church here.”
The president of the General Conference, Pastor Ted Wilson, preached daily throughout the week at the Mongolian Labor Union Auditorium in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. During the final weekend, he met with a large representation of the church at the Suut Youth Camp, 35 miles north of the city.
On the final Sabbath morning, Wilson challenged the large group to develop a Christian life through Bible study and prayer. He urged all members to engage in Total Member Involvement and stay faithful to the Lord’s call to be missionaries throughout Mongolia until “we meet with Jesus in the clouds of heaven,” he said. “Since this Mission is celebrating the 30th anniversary reunion of the Seventh-day Adventist message arriving in Mongolia, I challenge each of you to look forward to and invite others to be present at the greatest of all anniversary reunions—the second coming of Christ,” Wilson said.
That afternoon, the pastors baptized 155 people representing 21 locations that held simultaneous evangelistic meetings. Wilson is encouraging all pastors, teachers, health care workers, church administrators, other church workers, and church members to be active in Total Member Involvement and engage in local personal and public evangelism sharing Christ, His three angels’ messages, and His soon second coming.
There is no better way to celebrate three decades of existence in Mongolia than preaching and baptizing.
Williams Costa Jr. is the communication director for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, located in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.