Grace is always, first and last, an anthem about Jesus

You’d think sometimes it was an opera about us:
“I was sinking deep in sin . . . ”
“I’m a pilgrim, and I’m a stranger. . . ”
“Just as I am, without one plea . . . ”
But grace is always, first and last, an anthem about Jesus—His deep kindness; His strong arm; His refusal to give up on us. The song that saints and angels sing is no dull aria on how heroically we battled sin, what we did to earn our stars, or when we shunned a second slice of pie. It’s the whispered wonder from the angels for the mystery of Jesus loving the unlovely; forgiving those who drove the nails; healing those who gloried in their sickness.
“Worthy, worthy is the Lamb:
Christ is proved the great I AM;
Through all ages, sing the same—
‘Honor, glory to His name.’”
Join the song that’s always grander than the singer. And stay in grace.