Construction beat out volcanic ash, earthquakes, typhoons, monsoon rains, and the pandemic.

Dogged by the challenges brought by the pandemic, after almost two years of untiring construction, the Life Hope Impact Center finally opened as a new outreach center located in Silang, Cavite, Philippines on November 11, 2021.
Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, along with Adventist World Radio president Duane McKey and Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) president Saw Samuel, led the inauguration of the new outreach center. Attended by leaders from organizations and institutions within the Southern Asia-Pacific region, the three leaders joined in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new building.
The official opening ceremony included local authorities, representatives of business partners, and officials from various services that were instrumental in completing both the interior and exterior design.
During the inauguration program, leaders reflected on how the project came to be and how the Lord opened opportunities despite uncertainties in completing this challenging project. Max Willy Langi, SSD chief financial officer, recalled his first time hearing of this very bold initiative and how he reacted toward the endeavor.
“When Pastor Sam [Samuel Saw] talked to me about digital evangelism, I thought to myself that we didn’t have the resources and facilities to achieve this huge project. But as deliberations and planning take place, you eventually see how the Lord works and how He can provide in making impossible things happen right before your eyes. This building is not our project, but the Lord’s,” Langi said.
Joseph Allan Deblois, newly elected SSD associate treasurer, enumerated various obstacles the construction project faced before its completion. “This construction braved three inches [7.5 centimeters] of ashfall, three strong earthquakes, two tropical cyclones, more than two years of pandemic lockdown, and two months of nonstop monsoon rains. In the end, this building endured them all and remained true to its purpose, to be a beacon of hope in the community,” Deblois said.
SSD associate treasurer Daryl Gay Tanamal shared with attendees how the center is poised to impact the community. The new building will house various ministries of the church, beginning with SunPlus Network, General Conference Auditing Services, and the Adventist World Radio Center for Digital Evangelism. It will also offer services to the community through its vegetarian restaurant, fitness center, sauna, health center, convention area, and guest facilities.
Wilson opened the ceremony by noting the importance of establishing facilities and buildings that will serve as centers of influence to share the Adventist message to the world. He noted the value of attending to the community’s needs holistically, physically, mentally, spiritually, and in all other aspects of life.
“This massive complex of influence, this building, will be a center of digital evangelism not only in the city of Silang but also around the world,” Wilson said.
In response, Saw expressed his heartfelt appreciation to everyone who was instrumental in completing this church project. He recognized the planning committee, construction firms, engineers, suppliers, bank partners, union, conference, and mission counterparts, local government representatives, and SSD staff who played significant roles in collaborating on this project.
At a very special time during the program, Wilson invited everyone to pray together and dedicate this massive center of influence for mission and ministry.
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.