Leaders say expressing various perspectives adds value to the weekly Bible discussion.

The Sabbath School Quarterly Commentary podcast, a North New South Wales (NNSW) Conference initiative in Australia, is launching its new season with a brand-new format aimed at empowering Sabbath School discussions.
Produced by NNSW digital evangelism strategies coordinator Henrique Felix, the podcast’s twelfth season is hosted by Avondale University Church associate pastor Morgan Vincent. It features an array of special guests, including the author of the July-September 2022 lesson, Gavin Anthony, and Australian Union Conference Sabbath School director Lyndelle Peterson.
“Up until last season, the format consisted of just one person explaining their point of view, but there was not much space for discussion, which is the opposite of what should happen in a regular Sabbath School class,” Felix explained.
“This season, we brought the format that we use for the All Things Evangelism podcast —another podcast produced by the NNSW evangelism department — with a host and a guest, bringing more dynamic to the discussion,” he added.

Joining the podcast for two episodes this season, Anthony — who is currently president of the Iceland Conference in the Trans-European Division — talks about his journey to write this quarter’s lesson, In the Crucible with Christ, and the accompanying book, The Refiner’s Fire. Both publications explore the theme of suffering and pain, which Anthony has experienced intensely, mostly during his first decade of ministry.
“I wrote these Sabbath School lessons some years ago, as God began to unfold certain realities and truths to me. And it became a very personal journey,” he said. “All the texts in this Sabbath school quarterly came from God as He opened Scripture to me while I was walking through difficult experiences. So, we could consider in one sense that these Sabbath School lessons are my theological autobiography.”
According to Felix, the goal of producing this podcast is to inspire Sabbath School leaders and attendees with an in-depth perspective on the quarter’s lessons.
“We’re very excited about this season’s guests, who will bring additional insights to be shared in Sabbath School classes, and it’s particularly inspiring to hear the ideas from the lesson’s author,” he said.
Peterson, who will also be featured in two episodes, said the podcast is an excellent resource to enhance study time. “It’s always great to be able to hear from a variety of different sources and perspectives about the lesson topic for the week, and I believe this podcast will really add value to a Sabbath School teacher’s lesson preparation,” she said.
The original version of this story was posted by Adventist Record.