Of Rains, Floods, and a Strong Foundation

Only following Jesus’ guidance can take us safely through the storms of life.

6 Min Read

Volunteer Teacher’s Remarkable Path to Lebanon

Student follows God’s call from Brazil, to the U.S., Argentina, Asia, and Lebanon.

3 Min Read

Refugees Find Warm Welcome in Michigan Local Church

A providential meeting leads to support for Rwandan and Afghan refugees.

3 Min Read

Pandemics, Vaccines, and Promises

How do you relate when your conscientious convictions may cost you your job?

7 Min Read

123 Watermelons

Instead of breaking down the plants, every time a hailstone hit, the plant put out a new branch!

4 Min Read

Fat Crows

The next time he saw the fat crow by the road, he stopped, looked both ways, and quickly picked it up and put it under his coat.

3 Min Read

Celebrating Every Milestone on the Road to Recovery

At Adventist hospital, employees are committed to caring for the whole person.

3 Min Read

A Call to Korea

Robert and Madeline Johnston reflect on their contribution to mission in that Asian nation.

6 Min Read

Saying Yes to Jesus

Helping your children to make Jesus first starts with a simple family worship practice.

4 Min Read

Jesus— Completely!

“…it could be that the huge old tree is a Spirit Tree. If we were to cut it down, we’re not really sure what the spirits would do to the people who cut it down.”

4 Min Read

Something about Love

A Christmas story

8 Min Read

The Inestimable Gift

How can we best testify our gratitude to God at this Christmas time?

12 Min Read

Caring for ‘Wounded Healers’

Elliot Smith knows that tears, like words, tell stories. And he has learned how to listen to both.

8 Min Read

Dinesh’s Heart

He had no hope and wanted to die. Then he learned that Someone could help him.

3 Min Read

Youth Evangelism and Discipleship Initiatives Multiply across U.S. Midwest

Lake Union Conference young people are finding new ways to share and build their faith.

8 Min Read