How a chance encounter led to a purpose-filled life.
Food Entirely Healthy … and Delicious
In New Zealand, Samoan church is first Pacific congregation to complete a health improvement program.
1,000 Liver Transplants Have Improved Patients’ and Their Families’ Lives
Loma Linda University Health’s milestone highlights the institution’s mission “to make man whole.”
Acts of Kindness in the Canadian Arctic and All Around
Adventist organizations are reaching out to those left behind during the pandemic.
Which Person Receives the Oxygen?
ADRA India continues to assist hard-hit areas and hospitals across the country.
‘I Want to Be Like Them’
A woman shares the story of her first mission trip and a first experience with Christians.
The Mission of a Single Mother
How Maranatha Volunteers International influenced the lives of two of its supporters.
Adventist Academy Church ‘Adopts’ Students, Showering Them with Blessings
At Campion Academy in the U.S., initiative brings out human connection amid reduced interactions.
Single Parenting, Domestic Violence, and Sabbath as a Delight
European Adventist church regions connect to train dozens of family ministries leaders.