First Seventh-day Adventist Elected to Canada’s Parliament

Derek Sloan said he will strive to be “the best Member of Parliament he can be.”

5 Min Read

ADRA Chile Spearheads Drive to Increase Number of Foster Families

Initiative seeks to increase the options for children and teenagers in need.

3 Min Read

Remembering with Love

Bouncing back after an Adventist pastor’s suicide.

6 Min Read

In Brazil, 20,000 People Have Already Studied the Bible via WhatsApp

New feature enlists virtual bots and human interaction, leads seekers to church.

3 Min Read

Where to Spend the Holidays

As you travel through different stages of life you will ever be faced with opportunities for growth and change.

2 Min Read

Krystal’s Courage

Memory Gem: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the […]

3 Min Read

A Male Champion in Rwanda

How a small-scale farmer learned to save and be a better husband and father.

3 Min Read

In North America, Summit Focuses on Helping to Recognize and Stop Abuse

Leaders said they hope pastors and seminary students now have better tools to act.

5 Min Read

Melting Iceland, a New Approach to Mission

Generation Youth for Christ makes prayer the center of a unique outreach initiative.

6 Min Read

Safe Church Interview

Interview with Church Leaders.

11 Min Read

How to Nag Without Being a Nag

Time is a social construct that means different things to different people.

3 Min Read

Are Kids Necessary?

While procreation is a part of the divine design for human sexuality, this special aspect of God’s gift cannot be completely subordinated to the goal of having children.

3 Min Read

“Why Us, Lord?”

How much pain can we bear?

4 Min Read

Gone, but Not Gone

Despite your wife’s illness, coming to grips with your ethical responsibilities is something you will need to do.

3 Min Read

God’s Healing Love in Action

Seventh-day Adventists believe that God is actively working to make His children healthy and well. Read on to be inspired by these stories of His hand actively working in the lives of four unique individuals. —Editors.

4 Min Read