God’s Megaphone

If you are looking for a story about miracles, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a quick fix to problems, there […]

2 Min Read

U.S. Teens Walk Miles to Raise Funds for Water

‘Walk for Water’ event helps a group of friends fund a water well in Africa.

4 Min Read

Priorities: Personal and Professional

You don’t have to choose between your family and your calling to ministry.

3 Min Read

Joel’s Dream

Ask for dirt, and it shall be given to you.

4 Min Read

A Baptismal Robe in the Closet

Nurture and Retention Summit presentations showcase methods for reclaiming former members.

3 Min Read

North American Adventists Respond to the New Zealand Mosque Massacre

Two stories about how some leaders reacted after the Christchurch shootings.

5 Min Read

Maranatha Builds Dorm and Water Well for Kenya Rescue Center

New facilities house girls escaping female genital mutilation and child marriages.

4 Min Read

To Be a Better Listener

The longer a couple has been married the more likely they are to take each other for granted.

3 Min Read

Light in the Jungle

Learning the truth meant sharing the truth.

4 Min Read

Adventist Encyclopedia Project Under “New Management”

Managing editor shares goals and ways it’s changing lives.

6 Min Read

The Troublemakers

My dad was a pastor. Every time our family moved to a new assignment, people would warn him of “the troublemakers.” You know […]

2 Min Read

Chew’s Appetite for Influence

Adventist restauranteur in California serves plant-based meals and Christian friendship.

6 Min Read

Adventist Leaders Get in Shape in Jamaica

Global Leadership Summit makes the church’s health message practical.

4 Min Read

Navigating a Digital Life

Kids now search Google, YouTube, and a myriad of social networks to inform and educate themselves.

9 Min Read

Calling Out the Silent Majority

Why we need to talk about pastoral burnout, depression, even suicide.

3 Min Read