Generation Youth for Christ makes prayer the center of a unique outreach initiative.
How to Nag Without Being a Nag
Time is a social construct that means different things to different people.
Are Kids Necessary?
While procreation is a part of the divine design for human sexuality, this special aspect of God’s gift cannot be completely subordinated to the goal of having children.
Gone, but Not Gone
Despite your wife’s illness, coming to grips with your ethical responsibilities is something you will need to do.
God’s Healing Love in Action
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God is actively working to make His children healthy and well. Read on to be inspired by these stories of His hand actively working in the lives of four unique individuals. —Editors.
God’s Megaphone
If you are looking for a story about miracles, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a quick fix to problems, there […]
U.S. Teens Walk Miles to Raise Funds for Water
‘Walk for Water’ event helps a group of friends fund a water well in Africa.
Priorities: Personal and Professional
You don’t have to choose between your family and your calling to ministry.
A Baptismal Robe in the Closet
Nurture and Retention Summit presentations showcase methods for reclaiming former members.
North American Adventists Respond to the New Zealand Mosque Massacre
Two stories about how some leaders reacted after the Christchurch shootings.
Maranatha Builds Dorm and Water Well for Kenya Rescue Center
New facilities house girls escaping female genital mutilation and child marriages.
To Be a Better Listener
The longer a couple has been married the more likely they are to take each other for granted.