It Is Written’s one-week special series on enhancing all areas of life will launch on April 23.

It Is Written recently announced its new online evangelistic series, Next Level Health. John Bradshaw and health experts from around the country will share practical ways to enhance every area of a person’s life: physical, mental, and spiritual. Next Level Health runs April 23-29, 2021.
Next Level Health is the latest series in ACTS 20:21, the It Is Written 2021 full-cycle evangelism program for both churches and individuals. This series is designed to meet people where they are and address concerns heightened by the current pandemic.
The seven-day series will be especially effective for churches reaching out to their local communities with practical, life-changing health principles and for people witnessing to family and friends. Featuring physicians and medical experts and presented in a dynamic, magazine-style format, Next Level Health will cover hot-button health topics such as boosting immunity, improving mental performance, increasing energy, enhancing relationships, and promoting emotional wellbeing.
“Last year, we hosted Take Charge of Your Health, and thousands participated,” It Is Written president John Bradshaw said. “When we asked those viewers how It Is Written could best help them reach their health goals, almost 50 percent asked for a follow-up series. So here we are!”
After Next Level Health, ACTS 20:21 continues with a series on prayer, online Bible studies, and a full evangelistic series, all available virtually and with interactive and local follow-up by It Is Written–trained church members.
“This is a new day for evangelism,” Yves Monnier, It Is Written director of evangelism, said. “People’s hearts are open right now, and church members are excited. They can engage with people who may never have attended an in-person meeting, but barriers are broken down through virtual outreach.”
It Is Written leaders invited churches and communities to find out how to advertise the event by visiting the ministry’s resource site for the series.