A dream come true

A dream come true
A glimmer of hope in her heart
Young physician says she now wants to support other students and help them thrive.
Adventist-run initiative is changing the lives of people who missed formal education.
Government resolution will support parents struggling to cover tuition.
Maranatha dedicates a new school campus in India.
The educational institution has adapted and is thriving despite restrictions, challenges.
President’s Student Scholarship is helping students to weather the financial fallout of the pandemic.
The Association of Seventh-day Adventist School Administrators holds a virtual conference.
Outpost educational institution expands significantly, thanks to Maranatha.
Initiative is helping to bridge educational gap for those left behind during the pandemic.
The school is looking for and finding ways to extend its mission in the digital age.
February events will explore ways to rise in the face of challenges.
“Where U.S. News sees ‘value,’ I see sacrifices and small miracles,” college president said.
More than 200 people from several continents followed the 2020 event produced by La Sierra University.
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