Students, faculty, and staff have worked to make the campus a “haven,” leaders said.

Students, faculty, and staff have worked to make the campus a “haven,” leaders said.
At La Sierra University, event celebrates students’ achievements after months of online classes.
At Loma Linda University, a US$2.9 million grant seeks to increase diversity in mental health workforce.
European church leaders celebrate completion of MA program with online ceremony.
Bipolar ionization technology can neutralize the coronavirus, school officials say.
The school’s president said the two entities share values of service and social responsibility.
Funds will benefit hundreds of Jamaica’s Northern Caribbean University students.
Adventist university leaders’ answer to a challenge during Floyd’s funeral service.
Why I Stay Home has already been downloaded more than 35,000 times.
Adventist education leader calls graduates to give God all they have.
Australia’s Avondale University College students support Adventist schools in Tonga.
Program is sponsored by the North American Division’s Hope for Humanity initiative.
“Our mission as a church is to serve,” church leader in the territory says.
Adventist Church president Ted Wilson compares the school to Jacob’s ladder.
‘We’re following God’s plan for our lives,’ La Sierra University students say.
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