Initiative was spearheaded by Adventist University of the Philippines students.

Initiative was spearheaded by Adventist University of the Philippines students.
In Australia, Avondale University College’s green initiatives are paying off, leaders say.
In Jamaica, Adventist university program for troubled youths gets national spotlight.
A conversation with Ginger Ketting-Weller, the new president of the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS)
Leaders are committed to inclusive education across the region.
In Mongolia, Tusgal School goes through a major turnaround in just one year.
Some of the education leaders of the North American Division (NAD) were recently part of an assessment team that traveled to Malawi to […]
National leaders and dignitaries join celebration and commend AUA education.
In the Philippines, AIIAS event raises interest in “topics of uncertainty and disruption.”
U.S.-based Southern Adventist University creates a digital learning space to train Cuban pastors.
Andrews University professor says the activities intersect faith and learning to create healing.
Tyrifjord videregaende skole students gain the highest grade average across the country.
Facilities will help students, faculty, and staff to connect with the Creator, leaders said.
September 18, 2019, marked the first day of school for six children of medical missionaries and local health-care professionals serving at Malamulo Adventist […]
A significant connection exists, says researcher Aimee Leukert.
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