New facility, the 18th on campus, will cater to the needs of students with families.

New facility, the 18th on campus, will cater to the needs of students with families.
Initiative aims to support the African country’s efforts to educate young people.
Initiative is offered through volunteer program ‘ADRA Connections’
Event seen as a response and a statement against religious hatred.
“Transforming Worldviews” event asks hard questions, attempts answers.
Adventist leaders in Australia affirm church stance in the wake of government inquiry.
Avondale representatives highlight the added value of the school’s emphasis on service.
New nursing and administration building is debt free due to generous gifts.
Part of a worldwide church offering will help to finish the project.
Satellite schools, agricultural program among the new offers.
Volunteer hours may now be included on a student’s official transcript.
Encounter Bible materials provided for 240 small-school Adventist educators.
North American Division president invites teachers to trust God fully.
A look inside the North American Division Teachers’ Convention Exhibit Hall.
Adventist college and university leaders meet with church leaders to discuss future of educational system.
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