Major events, including the CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention, are postponed or canceled.

Major events, including the CALLED Pastors’ Family Convention, are postponed or canceled.
Ron Genebago will replace Jobbie Yabut, who passed away on December 20, 2019.
Adventist Review editor Bill Knott interviews Michael Kruger, new president of ADRA International.
She comes to the position after extensive experience in finance and auditing.
Ginger Ketting-Weller returns to her mission roots as the eighth president of AIIAS.
In his annual report, North American Division executive secretary discusses milestones, challenges.
Ministries report on initiatives as three people are tapped for leadership positions.
The following release was received for distribution from ADRA International. ~ Editors Jonathan Duffy, president of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) […]
Current school provost Joy Fehr will take office on July 1, 2019.
Adventist Church president discusses mission and more
Experienced educator will take over on July 1.
Randal R. Wisbey cited ongoing health issues as the reason for his decision.
One psychiatrist will replace another as division Health Ministries director.
What lessons can we learn from the most iconic place in Seventh-day Adventist history?
Church president Ted N.C. Wilson encourages members to keep their eyes on Jesus.
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