Juan Prestol-Puesán credits God, the generosity of members for a mostly positive outlook.

Juan Prestol-Puesán credits God, the generosity of members for a mostly positive outlook.
Adventist Church Secretary’s Report highlights mission possibilities and challenges.
Adventist Church president emphasizes the power of God’s salvation to restore and transform, highlighting the story of convicted murderer Don Johnson.
Event is a call to recommit to the mission of sharing the message of Jesus, church leaders said.
Adventist Church division was created in 1928 to better support mission, historian says.
World church treasurer highlights what he called “God’s ongoing blessings.”
Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson Speaks About the Upcoming Spring Meeting and More
The church keeps growing and expanding in the Southern Asia-Pacific region.
Conversation brought together Adventist and Adventist Reform thinkers and leaders.
Global Leadership Summit celebrated the benefits of vegetarianism and exercise.
A review of the statements and documents voted regionally after Annual Council 2018.
Leaders hope declaration may clearly communicate what Adventists stand for.
Delegates express both support and concern for the implications of the motion.
Day 4 of the 2018 North American Division Year-End Meeting holds discussion on voted GC document, receives reports from NAD ministries and partners.
Discussion at Annual Council shows need for awareness of biblical ethics within church governance.
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