An expert shares how to offer comfort during a potential crisis.

An expert shares how to offer comfort during a potential crisis.
A trek of unsettling self-discovery
Juan Prestol-Puesán, treasurer for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC), opened his 2020 Spring Meeting financial report by addressing current challenging economic […]
Despite being gravely affected by the coronavirus, Chinese Adventist members in the Philippines extend help where it is greatly needed
Church pastor takes up his member’s challenge to try something completely new.
COVID-19 and the American Civil War
An expert shares 6 easy-to-follow tips to help us face the current stressors.
The current crisis presents unprecedented opportunities for presenting Jesus to the world.
Across the Inter-American Division region, literature evangelists share their challenges and hopes.
“Let’s lean completely on our Lord and ask for the Holy Spirit to live within us.”
End-time sensibilities in times of crisis
Answers to your questions about the reach of government in an emergency and your religious rights.
Leadership recommends that church entities abstain from participation
“It’s the future of health care,” leaders said regarding a system focused on better outcomes.
Or a time to engage?
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