“In your anger [and self-isolation] do not sin.”
Tag: covid-19
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In Spain, Volunteers Help to Print and Deliver Face Shields
ADRA is behind an initiative seeking to assist frontline health-care workers and seniors.
In Brazil, Adventist Volunteers Are Feeding Thousands of Homeless
Food needs for the underprivileged have multiplied since local businesses closed.
Caring for Caregivers During This Pandemic
Three experts remind us to keep in mind those who care for others during the virus crisis.
Coronavirus Claims Life of Adventist Pastor in Indonesia
Regional church moves to make the most of digital evangelism, online prayer sessions.
Sports in a Time of Pestilence
Whatever will we do on Sundays?
Do I or Someone I Know Have a Vulnerable Immune System?
A COVID-19 expert breaks down what it means to be immunocompromised.
Is Quarantining Really Necessary?
According to the World Health Organization, on March 29, 2020, the United States had 103,321 confirmed cases of COVID-19 virus, Canada had 4,757, Bermuda […]
Ted Wilson Encourages Members During Pandemic
Adventist encouraged to pray and read Scripture
Postponed General Conference Session to Focus on Mission and Business Meetings
Adventists from all over the world are welcome to join the 2021 General Conference Session
The Joy of the Lord is My Strength
Who would think plates would bring such joy?
Did God Send COVID-19 and Should Governments be Able to Close Churches?
Four theologians discuss these and other questions on Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series
Students Forgo Global Youth Day Activities to Testify Online
Mexico’s Montemorelos University reaches out to the cyber-community with messages of hope.
How Early Christians Reacted During Times of Plague
Their example can inform what we can do as we navigate these unprecedented times.
What are the Facts and Myths of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series interviews a panel of experts to find out.