North American Division president shares Black History Month message for 2021.
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When God Moves Members to Give
In a challenging 2020, Adventists in North America return a record US$1.1 billion in tithe.
Austrian Adventist Theologian Johann ‘Hans’ Heinz Dies at 91 from COVID-19
He is considered one of the most influential theologians in German-speaking Adventism.
If God Wishes
A saying in Tanzania can make a difference
A Blessed Life
Looking back it was easy to see God answered the prayer his youth.
Southern Asia-Pacific Region Launches Youth Group for Mission
Voice of Youth Ignite seeks to get young people involved in reaching others for Jesus.
Are COVID-19 Vaccines for People With Cardiovascular Concerns?
A Loma Linda University Health specialist weighs in, gives advice.
AdventHealth University Students Pushed to Online Mission Trip to Haiti
Physical therapy students transition to an entirely online format.
Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Recommended for Cancer Patients?
Yes, a specialist says, as long as the patient has no contraindications.
Atlantic Union College Legacy Will Live On at Andrews University and Beyond
Historical items of Adventist history will be preserved to be shared and exhibited.
‘Believe the Promise’ International Pathfinder Camporee Changes Location
For 2024, Adventist Pathfinder camporee moves from Wisconsin to Wyoming, United States.
Every Encounter Matters — Digital Encounters Included
As Christians, we can use our time in the digital world to model Christ to others.
A Call Beyond Civility
How does a house help to explain our nature?
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Opens Adventist Business Sessions
James Marape, himself an Adventist, calls members to focus on mission.
From Fear to Awe
Neither age, nor health, nor race, nor wealth protect us from a tiny enemy we cannot see.