“He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.’’

“He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.’’
What is the value of human life?
A casual daily morning walk by the Adventist Church’s Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) office staff has become a movement and is encouraging church […]
South Pacific Division president Glenn Townend visits Papua New Guinea members.
Transplant was performed at Loma Linda University Health after he lived two years without kidneys.
If we’d been allowed to choose the mother of this world’s Savior, who would we pick?
Bledi Leno is appointed to both positions, part of the GC Office of Adventist Mission.
The new Isthmus Conference building replaces the one destroyed by an earthquake.
Welcome to Adventist Review’s Retro Christmas In this short series over the holidays, we’ll be bringing you Christmas articles from years past. Why […]
Dozens got on their bikes to spend a day cycling through the city of Medellín.
He was known for his calmness in a time of progress, major changes, and transitions.
Disgruntled, I fumed at God, my eyes closed but not in prayer.
Initiative at La Sierra University seeks to focus on the beauty of the Creator’s work.
Online event seeks to train, equip leaders, local church pastors, and members.
Now he serves as a patient transporter and co-leader of a ministry to support patients.
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