There is help available, says Loma Linda recovery program graduate.
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‘We Take Care of Them as Our Own’
In Kenya, a family-run orphanage is helping children with severe disabilities.
The Economic Shock, Awe, and Possible Legacy of the Novel Coronavirus
What happens after COVID?
Mums at the Table
Adventist ministry helps to connect mothers in Australia and New Zealand.
‘All They Want Is to Make Everyone a Vegetarian!’
In Canada, satisfying the needs of residents opens new roads into a reluctant community.
In Beirut, Adventist Teams Contribute to Resilience Amid Brokenness
Andrews alumni share their experiences in Lebanon following the August 4 explosion.
The Walnut Tree
The faithfulness of a tree that bore fruit in good years and bad taught me something about my husband.
Adventist Young Adults Navigate Sharing Faith in a Post-Christian World
In Australia, more than a hundred meet to share practical tips and participate in discussions.
Loma Linda Cancer Center Celebrates 30 Years of Proton Treatment
It has treated more than 21,500 people, 14,000 of those being prostate cancer patients.
Adventist Hospital in Mexico Bounces Back After 48 Employees Get COVID-19
Health-care institution keeps serving in an area hard hit by the pandemic.
Physician Brothers Share Testimony from Frontlines of the COVID-19 Fight
These Adventist doctors are part of a family with nine members in the field.
The ‘Tithe and Offerings’ Car
A car we bought prayerfully many years ago is still a rolling testimony to God’s faithfulness.
Everest or Calvary?
What is the most difficult mountain to climb?
Abusive Eschatology?
An end-time focus on Jesus leaves little room for fear.
President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes World Pathfinder Day
Hello, friends! Did you know that Sabbath, September 19, is a very important day for nearly 2 million young people around the world? […]