Imagine 365 days of Christmas cheer!

Imagine 365 days of Christmas cheer!
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Annual initiative seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle and connect with the community.
Association of Adventist Women acknowledges contributions from around the world.
The sport option will be one more opportunity to enjoy recreation outdoors, leaders said.
When we carry a spirit of thanksgiving, it permeates our entire being.
If you pay attention, you see that most of Christ’s major moments happen around food. Why?
Toolkit will help churches, organizations to share the basics of Adventist identity.
Initiative seeks to improve quality of life as they decide what to do with their lives.
The ‘I Will Go’ group rode 1,200 miles from Washington D.C. to St. Louis, Missouri.
A Better World Canada is helping young people to help other students in need.
Leaders across the Southern Asia-Pacific region meet to reflect, discuss, and learn.
Adventist HealthCare institution gets award for its design, construction, and operations.
The Adventist Church has a role to fulfill to assist others in need, event organizers said.
Rhalf Guanco received the Citizen Psychologist Award for his mental health initiatives.
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