Don Starlin realized that a bilateral lung transplant was his only hope.

Don Starlin realized that a bilateral lung transplant was his only hope.
North American Division year-end meeting highlights health, print, and audio resources.
160 leaders pray for revival and God’s blessing as they face a busy 2023 with confidence.
How can I change them?
Loma Linda University Church initiative is simple but successful, leaders say.
In 2023, young Adventist missionaries will serve across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Students fine-tuned their talents and shared them for the glory of God, university president said.
In the South American Division, initiative forms “mission pairs” for ongoing witnessing.
Most of them refugees, they sing together and share their faith in God’s leading.
Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is visiting East Timor (known officially as the Democratic […]
How Timor-Leste Adventist International School is making a difference for Christ.
AMEN president calls Adventist professionals to remember health is a means to an end.
In Michigan, U.S. Christmas Behind Bars seeks to transform lives of those serving time.
From Australia to Malaysia to Kenya, new mission-driven chapters are springing up.
NAD President’s Report highlights relevance of Adventist mission and message.
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