Annual offering at ASi International Convention will fund lay-led outreach initiatives.

Annual offering at ASi International Convention will fund lay-led outreach initiatives.
Public Campus Ministries event highlights the work at secular public and private universities.
In Papua New Guinea, church growth leads to a new strategy.
Understanding the pin-trading culture of the ‘Chosen’ International Pathfinder Camporee
ADRA Canada volunteers travel north to show God’s love to people in their time of need.
U.S. News & World Report ranks it “high performing” in multiple areas.
In England, a regional Pathfinder camporee brings the Bible’s Exodus story to life.
The 2019 Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries convention opens with a call to step in.
A Great Opportunity.
No matter the outcome, we are called to be brave.
An expert shares the science behind the benefits of laughter.
Standing tall for kingdom values.
In the U.S., Adventist Matthew Soper serves in the State House of Representatives.
Almost three decades old, the Zatonie campground is instrumental in transforming lives, leaders say.
Regional women’s leaders and pastors’ spouses meet to network, worship, and learn.
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