ADRA Canada-facilitated project is making a difference for families around the world.

ADRA Canada-facilitated project is making a difference for families around the world.
A Great Opportunity.
Our Creator certainly knows how we can stay healthy.
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God is actively working to make His children healthy and well. Read on to be inspired by these stories of His hand actively working in the lives of four unique individuals. —Editors.
For the future of our children.
Understanding orthorexia: when trying to be too healthy can become harmful.
The Pearl of great price offers each of us His priceless grace.
Government initiative in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, sees church as effective partners.
We were all saved by love.
A small church in the United States finds health outreach is a great way to connect.
Belém Adventist Hospital initiative benefited eight common-law couples.
Adventist Review interviews South America’s director of communication to find out.
The event was the largest Seventh-day Adventist gathering in that country, organizers said.
“GoYe” has been designed to highlight Adventist identity and member involvement.
Evangelistic tool makes witnessing easier for those in rural areas, leaders said.
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