In marriage and life, it is essential we learn to appreciate what we have.

In marriage and life, it is essential we learn to appreciate what we have.
When you pray fervently and work hard, God can work wonders.
How an Adventist hospital helped an Adventist boy to recover from shooting wounds.
A delay forced them to miss the fateful ET302 flight.
You don’t have to choose between your family and your calling to ministry.
Keynote address was part of Peruvian Union University’s 100th anniversary.
Cyclone Fani destroyed thousands of homes and left towns under water.
School is still forced to turn away hundreds each year due to lack of space.
The STEM event addressed challenges women face in science, technology, engineering, and math.
A pastor shares a creative way he reengages teens and youth in Bible study.
When grace comes seeking you, there’s no more need to hide.
Local church-driven project provides hot meals every week.
“Who we are, where we have come from, and why we exist are undeniable factors in determining our mission.”
Korean Adventist women leaders are trained on “The Rules of Relationship.”
Simultaneous evangelistic meetings are part of a plan to reverse that trend.
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