More than 1.1 million have crossed into the country in recent weeks.

More than 1.1 million have crossed into the country in recent weeks.
Every week, one Adventist school in Australia takes students to play in the bush.
Leaders share what is working to keep members in church and engaged.
Joint initiative will train and qualify professors and research center directors.
The inmates were escorted to church by correctional officers, who witnessed the ceremony.
Nurture and Retention Summit presentations showcase methods for reclaiming former members.
World church treasurer highlights what he called “God’s ongoing blessings.”
Global Nurture and Retention Summit starts with a first-person life story and probing questions.
A new drilled water well benefits children, staff, and surrounding villages.
Adventists aren’t immune to the allure of fake news.
Grace teaches us to trust, and “trust” is yet another word for “faith.”
What are the benefits of a diet emphasizing simplicity and plant-based nutrition?
The experiences of the ill-fated aircraft bring some life lessons for the rest of us.
Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson Speaks About the Upcoming Spring Meeting and More
“Leaders do what’s right because it is right.”
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