PULSEmeet 2019 provides a safe space for encouragement and challenge.

PULSEmeet 2019 provides a safe space for encouragement and challenge.
Event highlights the role of religious freedom as an inalienable human right.
Church secretary presents on amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act.
For Randy Scott, an unhealthy lifestyle recipe almost led to disaster at a young age.
Global Leadership Summit celebrated the benefits of vegetarianism and exercise.
Participants learn to work on their relationships to positively affect others.
Northern Asia Adventists hold first Youth, Children, Education Summit
Communion and mission go together, regional pastors are reminded.
Youth Bible study group impressed to go out and assist newcomers.
Celebrating Adventism’s history of social engagement
Grace always opens into gratitude
Sanitarium sponsors campaign promoting healthy habits in children.
The facilities include a gym, a vegetarian restaurant, a playground, and a chapel.
Volunteer-driven mobile clinic will travel across the nation to reach out to communities.
Adventists among the invited at the annual event.
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