Australian dad is one of the six fathers featured in inter-cultural documentary.

Australian dad is one of the six fathers featured in inter-cultural documentary.
Members in the Burundian Army church now about 200.
Annual event will be broadcast online from Jamaica; world church leaders will attend.
ADRA Europe director reflects on what has been and what he’s looking forward to.
Surgeon shortlisted for a prize recognizing significant contributions.
The Blair family legacy that began around 1910 spans four generations of church health care workers.
Assisting a blind man living in a closet brings unexpected rewards.
This conveys your capacity to be civil and courteous even if you have a different point of view.
The grace that saves us is the same great love that changes us
Adventist interpreter supports first-time deaf parents.
Non-invasive heart procedure is a first in the area.
On Religious Freedom Day, local faith and civic leaders gather at NAD headquarters.
How do we make peace among us?
Amilton dos Santos Cerqueira shows perseverance, goes beyond what eyes can see.
Intentional outreach initiative was launched territory-wide through an online program.
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