Refugees and residents of Houston, Texas, benefit from participant efforts.

Refugees and residents of Houston, Texas, benefit from participant efforts.
Held in Brazil, the effort includes two consecutive events with about 50,000 people at each one.
Division volunteers offer health screening and deworming in public schools, markets.
Start the year off right with the “one thing” that is needed.
Local church steps up to help integrate newcomers into their new country.
In Kinshasa, a life is turned around through hard work and faithfulness to God.
University children’s hospital staff shower New Year newborn with gifts, support, and love.
Your story—ups and downs and still unfinished—is still a testament to grace.
A pastor in Estonia shares how she used social media to pray for others.
The bill passed in November 2018 was awaiting the presidential signature.
Natural disaster resulted in hundreds of casualties.
Adventist humanitarian and outreach organizations sponsor holiday event in Manaus.
Church representatives meet with government officials in Fiji, other island nations.
Innovative physician transformed the way some cancers are treated.
“Policies do not dictate what we believe, but they should govern the actions of church leaders. Church leaders have an ethical responsibility to abide by the decisions made jointly by the representatives of the world church.”
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