Cárdenas church building was inaugurated by Maranatha in 2017.

Cárdenas church building was inaugurated by Maranatha in 2017.
Evangelism and community outreach initiatives are attracting immigrants, leaders said.
Some months ago, I accepted an invitation from Pastor Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, to participate in a Hope Channel Partnership […]
Treatments, awareness of heart disease have increased; challenges remain.
Just in 2018, missionary vessel planted five new churches in coastal communities.
The move is one more step in recent church developments across the nation.
The gospel promises that Christ forgets what Christ forgives.
Nine-day Faith and Science Conference draws a diverse group in Rwanda
Special Needs Symposium highlights the potential of people living with disabilities.
There are times for sleeping and times for being awake.
The meaning of Christmas has evolved since the birth of the Christ child a couple millennia ago.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Then again, sometimes it’s not.
Annual Christmas employee initiative provides residents with healthy food and other items.
Adventist University of France hosts UN-supported “Faith for Rights” discussion.
We revel in the victories grace has won, Is winning, And will win.
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