Grace trusts, grace hopes, grace makes new covenants.

Grace trusts, grace hopes, grace makes new covenants.
Regional Adventist president says violence, especially of religious nature, is “intolerable.”
Program celebrates success of the territory-wide Year of the Child and Adolescent.
Adventist Church’s religious liberty director Ganoune Diop honored at National Congress.
Sonoma Adventist College follows a long tradition of support to the work of the church in the area.
A reflection by Nelu Burcea, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s liaison to the United Nations.
A review of the statements and documents voted regionally after Annual Council 2018.
The new source will be an official publication and a record of Adventist history.
On 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ADRA Europe makes a strong statement.
At South American church headquarters, contractor recalls what drew him to God’s truth.
Several events call attention to the plight of the blind, the hearing impaired, and others.
Leaders hope declaration may clearly communicate what Adventists stand for.
Website continues to offer access to Adventist books, music, and other resources.
If ever we are good, it’s only because God’s goodness flows through us.
Group from several countries across the region assists in health, restoration projects.
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