Unit is operated by local branch of North America’s Adventist Community Services.

Unit is operated by local branch of North America’s Adventist Community Services.
Two Adventist hospitals receive recognition for top quality among thousands.
Jesus Christ is the true leader of this church. He is the only one who can guide us safely to our heavenly home.
New facility, the 18th on campus, will cater to the needs of students with families.
ADRA Australia representatives join other Christians to highlight aid efforts.
Congregations could replicate the model in other cities, organizers say.
Remember to be patient and kind as both your families come to grips with this new, somewhat complicated reality.
Why did God, knowing “the end from the beginning” (Isa. 46:10, KJV), go ahead and create humankind in the first place?
Bill on behalf of Sabbath-keepers now awaits the president’s signature.
Ministry of reconciliation is making positive inroads into the community, leaders say.
Influential Loma Linda cardiologist passed away on November 29, 2018.
In Texas, friendship evangelism and prayer partners result in conversions, baptisms.
International Religious Liberty Association discusses outlook, emerging trends.
North America holds special worship service on National Philanthropy Awareness Day.
Faith FM is leading people to Christ in the most isolated places, leaders say.
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