Dick Stenbakken is a former Chaplaincy Ministries director of the world church.

Dick Stenbakken is a former Chaplaincy Ministries director of the world church.
World War I officially ended on November 11, 1918.
Its goal is to connect radio contacts with Bible study and discipleship options.
Event seen as a response and a statement against religious hatred.
Project has focused on tobacco control and support for smoking cessation programs.
Delegates express both support and concern for the implications of the motion.
Day 4 of the 2018 North American Division Year-End Meeting holds discussion on voted GC document, receives reports from NAD ministries and partners.
NAD Executive Secretary calls on church, when in turmoil, to look to Jesus, the only one in control.
Day 2 of the 2018 North American Division Year-End Meeting begins and ends with thoughts on evangelism and the mission of the church.
It doesn’t take a theology degree to play a part in the Great Commission.
In partnership with Hope Channel, the region is working to build capacity, ramp up production.
National leaders say the Adventist Church is essential to promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Daniel R. Jackson, NAD president, emphasizes working together to fulfill the mission of the Church.
There’s only one way to the kingdom, and it passes through the gate of grace.
Discussion at Annual Council shows need for awareness of biblical ethics within church governance.
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