Celebration is part of Inter-America region’s ‘Year of Children and Adolescents’ initiative.

Celebration is part of Inter-America region’s ‘Year of Children and Adolescents’ initiative.
Washington Johnson II achieves historic milestone while also a church employee.
Avondale representatives highlight the added value of the school’s emphasis on service.
In Battle Creek, mission stories focus on those who lost their lives in the mission field.
Major gift will support the construction of a new Center for Living at Florida Hospital.
Church-planting event in southeastern Europe highlights careful planning, action plans.
Volunteers cleaned public spaces, distributed food, and built a small house.
Adventist world church president urges prayer in advance of Annual Council.
A two-year study of healthy elders’ consumption of walnuts finds otherwise.
Adventist school students, staff, and faculty reach out to area residents.
Montemorelos University says initiative means avoiding the pollution of 1,650 cars.
Health improvement program creates community buzz in Fiji.
New nursing and administration building is debt free due to generous gifts.
The following question and answer article was provided by the General Conference Communication Department. ~ Editors The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an international […]
Marriage does not solve any problems; it simply compounds them.
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