More than 6,800 receive free medical care at an Adventist mega-clinic in Texas.

More than 6,800 receive free medical care at an Adventist mega-clinic in Texas.
North American Summit on Abuse underscores accountability, victims’ support.
Adventist Health System’s Conference on Mission 2018 focuses on whole-person care.
Grace flows to us because God’s heart is always love—unstoppable, without a limit.
Escape Game i9teen seeks to stir an interest in unraveling mysteries of the end time.
Interview with Stimme der Hoffnung (SdH) CEO Klaus Popa
I Will Go Too 3.0 event provides training, encouragement to mission-minded students.
Satellite schools, agricultural program among the new offers.
Local church region and Muslim leaders meet for fellowship, respectful exchanges.
Digital Week highlights internet potential, opportunities for evangelism.
At Loma Linda, program aims to create positive attitudes toward health-care professions.
In the British Virgin Islands, Adventists march against violence and abuse.
In Australia’s largest city, women also collect funds for drought-stricken farmers.
Florida Hospital partners with an app that rewards patients who follow prescriptions.
They vow to make a difference in a territory with just a fledgling congregation.
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