The event seeks to motivate members to serve in their churches, clubs, and communities.

The event seeks to motivate members to serve in their churches, clubs, and communities.
Affiliation decision seeks to increase services in Chicago’s western suburbs.
How the joy of sharing Jesus with others has influenced an Adventist family for decades.
A theology major at Andrews University shares his inspiring life story.
When a pastor knelt to pray, God answered in a way he had not anticipated.
Move is part of an initiative that seeks to build healthier communities, leaders said.
Convention seeks ways for “Leading the Way” in new generations, leaders said.
Initiative at AdventHealth Hinsdale in Chicago is extending Christ’s healing ministry.
North American Division gathering highlights ‘Multiplica Esperanza’ initiative.
Pathfinders from both countries enjoy nature activities and a baptism.
The Adventist-sponsored initiative is an official day in that Brazilian state’s calendar.
Rallies, seminars, and literature distribution held across the Inter-American Division.
AdventHealth announced the breakthrough, which may save lives in the future.
Recipients benefited by Adventist HealthCare initiative with at least US$20,000 each.
South Pacific Division president Glenn Townend visits Adventist schools in Papua New Guinea.
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