The more positively you think about your marriage, the quicker you will feel better about your husband and your life together.

The more positively you think about your marriage, the quicker you will feel better about your husband and your life together.
We need to put our faith only and consistently in God, not in human beings.
God’s grace is always right on time—at just the point we finally agree how lost we were and how found we are.
‘The Lift Project’ study at Avondale College is improving the lives of future teachers.
Mission initiatives in northern Asia show that prayer and creativity can go a long way.
At Linden, the Adventist group’s hometown, members recommit to service.
With a carefully crafted ceremony that combined state-of-the-art technology, stirring messages, and top-notch musical performances, Seventh-day Adventist leaders in the Northern Asia-Pacific Division […]
Teachers deserve our appreciation and our gratitude.
Regional leader reassures members as they keep meeting, preaching under difficult circumstances.
World church president challenges attendees as Global Youth Leaders Congress winds down.
Leaders find the I AM video series useful for triggering discussions, reclaiming the youth.
At ASi international convention, Mark Finley calls members to refocus and recommit.
Global Youth Leaders Congress speakers push participants out of missional comfort zone
Release is part of the Geoscience Research Institute’s “Seeking Understanding” series.
Global Youth Leaders Congress discusses the character of God and the nature of the Church
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