More than 360 Seventh-day Adventist theologians, college and university professors and church administrators have convened in Rome, Italy from June 11-21, for the […]

More than 360 Seventh-day Adventist theologians, college and university professors and church administrators have convened in Rome, Italy from June 11-21, for the […]
“Husky: The Savior” free app is an ADRA-led initiative to support positive changes.
Initiative will provide drinking water to more than 1,000 people.
Agency-sponsored initiative helps hurricane survivors to cope and move on.
In US Lake Union, they weigh in on immigration and gun control current policies.
Two stories of US Adventist church members who help local refugees.
ADRA will broadcast live from Serbia office on June 16.
For the third year in a row, the school is recognized as ‘Gold Level Campus.’
An explosion of digital fireworks accompanied Alyssa Vega as she marched across the stage to receive her diploma from the School of Nursing […]
New facilities add to a growing network of care for all ages.
Adventists walk, bike, skate, and even sail to reach both urban and isolated residents.
Behavioral expert at Adventist healthcare institution shares some tips.
Reading groups led by average people are making an impact in the South Pacific.
Cultural shifts have changed norms associated with death in Japan
ADRA is assisting them and many others with water, food, and supplies.
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