Let me introduce to you the sister in Christ that I’ve never met.

Let me introduce to you the sister in Christ that I’ve never met.
A new magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South American Division (SAD) region will attempt to introduce and explain the […]
Station is the church’s first across the Sahel region.
In Papua New Guinea, church-supporting ministry reaches one more milestone.
Edward Martin is now working in what he says is the toughest assignment of his life. Martin, who graduated from Loma Linda University […]
The mind behind the landmark Valuegenesis study was 75.
Members across the nation and the world unite as they ask God to intervene.
Myron Iseminger says it’s a good time to return where front-line action is happening.
The third meeting of the Global Christian Forum, held April 24 to 27 in Bogotá, Colombia, provided an invaluable opportunity to be “salt […]
Bobby Bhasker-Rao has been on the New York Times “Top Surgeon” list for six years.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church across the Inter-American Division church region has begun preparing young people to become short-term missionaries through the One Year […]
Meetings to be offered in more than 160 venues across the nation.
In an effort to promote inclusion and equality, there is a trend towards stifling freedom of religion or belief, Michael Worker told a […]
Adventist World Radio is issuing a worldwide call for 800 short-term medical missionaries to volunteer at a mega medical clinic in the Philippines […]
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