Hundreds graduate after completing Adventist humanitarian agency training.

Hundreds graduate after completing Adventist humanitarian agency training.
New code includes legislation seen as curtailing religious liberty.
Mission-minded cruisers clean Adventist churches and homes affected by hurricanes.
An incredible story proves once more that ‘God’s ways are not our ways.’
In a landmark case, medicine student is now free from Saturday classwork and exams.
Majuro station is part of a plan to increase Adventist radio presence in the area.
Historians conference brings lesser-known figures of Adventism to the limelight.
Seventh-day Adventist Church Hails “Watershed” Ruling
Play based on Bible character performed in eight cities across the country.
Guest speaker Doug Batchelor discusses “Foundations of Faith”
In Wales, new Bible study initiative is growing children into disciples.
In a statement, leaders call to uphold ethnic diversity as one of the nations’ strengths.
ADRA Germany campaign reaches new heights in 2017.
Groups around the world makes plans to “Be the Sermon”
Regional church still assessing implications of legislation limiting evangelism.
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