He was known for his mission-mindedness, love of music, and keen sense of humor.

He was known for his mission-mindedness, love of music, and keen sense of humor.
Adventist Possibility Ministries encourages each person to thrive, church leaders say.
Irons church in Michigan dedicated facilities after what event leaders consider ‘miracles.’
A group of 15 Adventist education supporters in Brazil’s Midwest region conducted a mission trip in the São Domingos indigenous community in Luciara, Mato […]
Partnership with an Adventist academy is a win-win situation for academy students.
Most will receive scholarships to study nursing, school leaders said.
Leaders of the initiative in southern Philippines said it was a blessing to be part of it.
Kenya’s Kajiado Adventist School inauguration highlights the scope of Maranatha mission.
Institution is first in the Dominican Republic with such a system, leaders said.
Adventist theologian and noted scholar passes to his rest.
Church leaders say they are interested in providing them with the tools they need.
An It Is Written evangelistic mission trip shows that God is still active, calling His own.
In Kenya, a place of despair becomes a beacon of hope for Adventist education.
People who meet Young Joo Kim can’t help but acknowledge God’s presence in her life.
Sandra Doran’s Jesus Still Cares for You is inspiring some 70,000 children displaced by war.
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