Revelation of Hope series in Indianapolis closes with calls to commit to God’s people.

Revelation of Hope series in Indianapolis closes with calls to commit to God’s people.
Grants will support transdisciplinary efforts to save lives through informed decisions.
Revelation of Hope evangelistic series connected to dozens of countries, organizers said.
South German Union Conference delegates vote to follow Northern union on the matter.
Lake Union’s Adventist Community Health Initiative has benefited multiple communities.
Get Involved!
Project helps Adventists to offer alternative explanations, leader says.
Development is part of a push to get everyone involved in mission.
So much more is involved in healthful living!
Every time you exercise, you’re “medicating” your body.
Even dim light entering the eye at night will disrupt the daily rhythm and inhibit the secretion of melatonin.
Why it’s essential that we learn to love as John — and above all, Jesus — loved.
An Adventist chaplain shares one of his most moving experiences on the job.
Two volunteer students from Chile share about their missionary adventure in Africa.
In Kansas, United States, a new congregation is thriving after they agree to share costs.
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