Adventist motorcycle ministry has helped transform dozens of lives.

Adventist motorcycle ministry has helped transform dozens of lives.
New volume seeks to connect biblical principles with current discussions on sex issues.
Pathway to Health Indianapolis opening brings opportunities to show God’s love.
Burman Ministry Centre seeks to train and support Adventist leaders.
School boasts 35 percent Hispanic undergraduates, the institution reported.
At Pathway to Health, volunteers are encouraged to follow God’s plan of wellness.
Adventists prepared believers for months before a two-week wrap-up across the region.
Movie seeks to introduce new generations to a practical notion of the topic, leaders said.
Pathway to Health shows the blessings of uniting to serve in Jesus’ name, leaders say.
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, members are also reaching the community with tips and support.
Adventist scientists share developments, advise officials on how to better protect findings.
School will work together with nearby colleges to help students get associate degrees.
Fellowship at Adventist congregation gets past any divide, leaders say.
Spiritual Care student with a remarkable life story seeks to grow as a health-care leader.
Seventeen-year-old Daniel Passold Filho was awarded a silver and two bronzes.
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